Shehr-E-Khaas: A city in search of it’s lost colours
July 8, 2020
Team Members: Kuldeep Yadav, Aeshvarya Thakur, Azra Razzaque, Shreya Mittal, Prakhar Gupta
Team Mentor: Rashi Srivastava
The story looks at Srinagar through the eyes of a female protagonist, Didda, who has witnessed the evolution of the city. Architectural elements like Streetscape, Houses, Bridges (Kadals) and The Dal Ghats, Boulevard, Gulleys (Allleys) are being used to depict the lens of Srinagar.
Didda, an old resident of Srinagar, recollects her memories of her city by looking at old photographs when she was a little girl. She remembers how Srinagar changed and rifles and bomb-blasts tattered the city and its houses. The city was engulfed by militancy, exodus of Pandits, army takeover, Kargil skirmish and lockdown in the city till date. City looks shaken and sad. So does Didda. She still hopes that like seasons change, Srinagar will shed the gloom and be colourful again.